
This is a running blog of multiple topics that I made for fun. I cover world news, wallpapers, apps, technology, cars and much more. Keep checking back to get the latest updates! If you’d like me to make  a post on a specific topic, then feel free to send me a message in a comment on one of the posts, or look at my ‘Contact Me’ page. You can follow Linxspire by using the widget on the sidebar, or by using the follow button on the bottom right of the screen (not the sidebar).

As a side note: Majority of the fonts and wallpapers that I set up for download will be in a .zip or .rar format. To actually get the files, you must use either Winrar or 7zip or any other unzipping  program to unzip it (to any folder of your choosing) and then you can use the font/wallpaper.

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